Schroders commissioned the independent online survey “Global investor Study (GIS)” out of 25,743 investors from 32 locations. Conducted between April 4 and May 7 2019 and published in October 2019, the aim is to investigate drivers that encourage the consideration of sustainable investments in asset allocation and portfolio management. From Schroders’ Global Investor Study (GIS) 2019 it has emerged that 57% of investors always take into account sustainability factors, compared to a 17% that does not attribute importance. The research, which has gathered opinions all over the world, partly reveals the reasons for this behavior. Respondents were asked what are the factors that would most induce them to invest in sustainable funds. Despite the evenly distributed preferences, two main factors emerged in particular: regulatory changes and increased use of independent ratings for the assessment of sustainability. The 60% of investors believe that measures in these two areas could stimulate or persuade the allocation of more capital into sustainable funds. Clear information can be obtained from financial advisers, who should help improve communication and information on sustainable investment (59%) and the use of internal ratings by managers to identify funds adopting a sustainable approach (57%).