The Board of Directors of EdiliziAcrobatica, company operating  in construction work in double wire snap safety pin listed on Euronext since 28th February 2019, approved the results as of 30th June 2019. The value of production amounts to € 19.5 million, up 75.6% compared to 30th  June 2018 (value of production like for like of Euro 18.1 million, + 68% vs. 30th June  2018). EBITDA is equal to Euro 2.4 million, + 17.9% compared to 30th June 2018 (EBITDA like for like equal to € 2.4 million, + 37.6% compared to 30th  June 2018). The EBIT is equal to Euro 1.5 million, down by 21.7% compared to 30th  June 2018 (EBIT like for like equal to approximately Euro 1.4 million, -8.4% compared to 30th  June 2018). Net profit amounted to € 0.8 million, down 36.0% compared to 30 June 2018 (like for like net profit of around € 0.7 million -23.4% compared to 30th  June 2018). The NFP records a value of Euro 2.4 million compared to cash liquidity equal to approximately Euro 2.1 million recorded at December 31st , 2018.